Baines Road, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 1TE


The Gainsborough Charles Baines Community Primary School

Together we achieve

What Support Will There Be For My Child's Emotional and Social Well-Being?

Pastoral and Social Support

All staff build up strong relationships with children to support their emotional needs.

Incidents are communicated to the relevant members of staff and recorded in the class behaviour book.

All child protection issues will be reported to Mrs L Simmonds (Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr D Bell (Deputy Head/ Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs M Kilburn (Child and Family Lead Support Advisor / Safe guarding Lead).

We have a clear behaviour policy which is adhered to by all staff (please CLICK HERE to view this).

Intervention for personal, social and emotional development are planned for. The content of this will vary dependent on the needs of the children.

Medical Needs

If your child has specific medical needs then please contact either the class teacher or the SENDCo so appropriate plans can be put into action.

If needed a 'care plan' can be written to inform all staff of the specifics of the condition and and what should be done to support the needs of the child.

If your child requires on-going medication, please contact the school office and complete a medicine administration form (a copy of this can also be found HERE). All medicines will be stored in a locked storage box in the medical cupboard.

Support For Behaviour

If your child has specific difficulties regarding behaviour they may have a behaviour plan. This will follow the ASSESS, PLAN, DO, REVIEW process:


If behaviour issues continue despite intervention, a multi-agency meeting (including all adults and agencies involved) may be arranged to discuss next steps.

If concerns arise regarding your child’s attendance, you will firstly be informed by school and may be invited to an Attendance Panel at school.  If attendance levels do not improve an Education Welfare Officer may be asked to become involved as per the attendance policy (Please CLICK HERE to view this policy)