Year 4
Welcome to our Year 4 page
Our Teachers:
Tuesday - Mrs. Brewster
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (am) and Friday - Miss McKay
Thursday pm - Miss Foster
Our Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Sylvester, Mr Byers and Miss McKenna
Spring Term 2024
This Term 'Misty Mountain, Winding River'.
This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.
Below is a list of what we will be covering this Spring 1
Maths - Multiplication and Division; length and Perimeter
English - Finishing Viking diaries from last term, poetry and non- chronological reports
Science - Sound
PE - Gymnastics
Music - Stop! – a song/rap about bullying.
Computing - Programming
French - Epiphany, family and faces
PSHE - Dreams and Goals
RE -Islam
Autumn Term 2023
This term our theme is 'Invasion'.
This project teaches children about life in Britain after the Roman withdrawal. Children will learn about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions up to the Norman conquest.
Our class book to enjoy is:
**Important information**
Our PE days for Year 4 are Wednesday and Thursday. Children must arrive at school with uniform on and change into their PE kit.
Please ensure that PE kit follows the schools' uniform guidelines.
Children that wear earrings either must be able to remove their earrings for safety
or allow ear lobes to be covered with tape.
Below is a list of what we will be covering this Autumn Term 2:
Maths - Area, multiplication and division; times tables
English - Playscripts, setting descriptions, diary and instruction writing.
Science - Food and Digestion, sound
PE - Badminton
Music - Mamma Mia, glockenspiel
Computing - Computing Systems and Networks; creating Media
French - Bonfire night, classroom commands, Christmas shopping
PSHE - Celebrating differences
RE - Hindusim