Baines Road, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 1TE


The Gainsborough Charles Baines Community Primary School

Together we achieve

Policies and Procedures


Please click on a policy to read it.

Policy Date Review Date
Accessibility Plan May 2022 May 2025
LCC Admissions Policy 2024-2025 Linked to LCC
Anti Bullying Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2024
Appeals Process for School Admissions Linked to LCC
Attendance Policy May 2022 May 2024
Behaviour Management Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2024
Charging and Remissions Policy Jan 2024 Jan 2027
Code of Conduct policy - Parents and Carers 2023 Dec 2023 Dec 2024
Complaints Policy 2023 2027
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Policy Under review
Data Protection Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2024
Domestic Abuse Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2024
E-Safety and Internet Policy Under review
Educational Visits Policy July 2023 July 2024
Equal Opportunities Policy May 2022 May 2026
Equality Statement Under review
Extremism and Radicalisation Policy May 2022 May 2024
EYFS Policy Draft with Governors
Freedom of Information Policy May 2019 May 2024
Information Security Policy Statement Jan 2024 Jan 2025
Instrument of Government 2023 Nov 2023  
Looked After Children Policy May 2022 May 2024
Managing Complaint Campaigns, Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2026
Marking and Feedback Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2024
Medical, Intimate Care and Allergy Policy July 2023 July 2024
No Smoking Policy May 2022 May 2025
Privacy Notice - Pupils Dec 2023
Privacy Notice - Recruitment
Privacy Notice - Staff and Governors Dec 2023
Relationships and Sex Education Policy July 2022 July 2024
LCC School Child Protection Safeguarding Policy Sep 2023 Sep 2024
SEND Complaints by Parents Procedure Jan 2024 Jan 2025
Social Media Policy Under review
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Policy Dec 2023 Dec 2024
SEND and Inclusion Policy Oct 2023 Oct 2024
Whistle Blowing Nov 21 Nov 2024