Baines Road, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 1TE


The Gainsborough Charles Baines Community Primary School

Together we achieve


If you have any safeguarding concerns for any of the children in our care, Please speak to a member of the Designated Safeguarding Team.


OUR Designated Safeguarding Leads


Mrs Louise Simmonds - Head Teacher -  Lead (Maternity Leave)

Mr Daniel Bell - Deputy Head Teacher - Lead (Maternity cover)


Mrs Alison Simmons - Executive Head - Deputy DSL

Mrs Maria Kilburn - Child and Family Lead Support Officer - Deputy DSL

Safeguarding Governor - Mr Keith Hanson

Please call 01427 613812

Children's Services can be contacted at

01522 782111 during work hours


Emergency Duty Team

01522 782333 from 6pm to 8am and weekends/holidays

Other Important contacts


Call  0808 800 5000

Call 0800 1111