Baines Road, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 1TE


The Gainsborough Charles Baines Community Primary School

Together we achieve

Curriculum Intent



Music Intent 

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity, and here at Charles Baines, we believe in the power of music. We understand that music forms an integral part of the broad, balanced curriculum that we provide for our pupils.  Music transcends different cultures, abilities and generations which in turn exposes our children to new experiences.

As our children progress through school, they develop fundamental skills to be able to express themselves through the creative media of music. Many of our topics here at Charles Baines have cross-curricular links to music and we are very proud to work collaboratively with Lincolnshire Music Service. Our young people are given regular opportunities and are encouraged to enjoy singing, listening, composing and performing music. Staff recognise the crucial role music can have on confidence and self-esteem, and for many, music can fulfill an instinctive human need for self-expression. Music stimulates responses from children both on emotional and intellectual levels and we therefore aim to develop a life-long passion and love for music.

Within key stage one, children are taught to use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs, chants and rhymes. Children are given opportunities to play many different instruments, experimenting and creating sounds to express themselves musically. 

In key stage two, knowledge and skills are built upon further. Children have opportunities to sing and play instruments with greater confidence and control. Our older children develop an overall understanding of musical composition, structures and aural memory.