How Does The School Know How Well My Child Is Doing?
We carefully track all of our children's progress across each term through the use of data and observations. If your child is not meeting their age-related expectations, we may use a range of assessment tools to help us pinpoint how best to support them, including:
National Curriculum Levels;
P Scales (PIVATs);
Early Learning Goals - for children working with the Foundation Stage;
Standardised Assessments (completed by specialist teachers or educational psychologist) - gives us a clearer picture of areas of strength and development;
Assessment for Learning - within the classroom, using thumbs up/down, self-assessment against targets, use of talking partners to share ideas;
Individual Targets - through a Pupil Profile / Behaviour support plan;
Pastoral Support Plan;
These help to identify areas to target and support with advice on how to move your child forward.